We went to the beach this morning at 7am. I'm beat. The sun is very hot. The water was marvelous. But, no matter how fun, its draining. We finally got back around 1pm and then I had to start cooking. Fortunately, we are friends over this shabbat from our old (its been a rather long time) stomping grounds of Pittsburgh, PA. To make it simple, we decided that each family would participate in making the meals. I made the soup for this evening, the pot pie and the chicken for tomorrow. Plus a few side.s Shabbat Parshat Matot Dinner - 17 carrot zucchini soup chili quinoa plain rice roast chicken cabbage and seed salad garlic green beans Lunch - 17 pot pie kabob salad brocolli kugel potato kugel ratatui Lemon Baladi chicken bottoms
Hospitality and Food along with a little Jewish content. These are the records of our weekends with guests. Meals are rarely less than 10 people and frequently top 20. Recipes and Philosophy included.