After the Thanksgiving holiday, we need a break. Fortunately, we have left-overs. Tonight, we have the G families over for dinner. These two families are probably among our closest friends. That is a good thing since we will indeed be having leftovers. We also have a niece and her friend staying with us. Tonight's dinner will be 21 people. Just a small gathering! Tomorrow, we are going out for lunch, so we will get the break that we need. Because things were too boring, I decided to get immunized for the winter flu and the swine flu today. One shot in each arm. Hopefully, I will not feel any side-effects. After three hours, I'm fine. I think it is important to get these inoculations, because the alternatives are worse. I really don't enjoy having the flu. It knocks me out for about a week. I am hoping that the flu shots can keep me healthy, or minimally, reduce the impact if and when I do contract o...
Hospitality and Food along with a little Jewish content. These are the records of our weekends with guests. Meals are rarely less than 10 people and frequently top 20. Recipes and Philosophy included.