Well, that was interesting. As you are probably aware by now, kidney disease runs in my immediate family. I have only one kidney, and its not doing all that well (Stage 3 Kidney Disease). The real problem is that the doctors don't know why my kidney is failing to do its job. After years of tests, we finally arrived the "last" option. The gold test for kidney disease is a biopsy. Since I only have one kidney, and I don't want to risk damaging it any further, we decided on a laparoscopic biopsy. Now that's real surgery. In fact, its scary how similar it is to a nephrectomy, where the doctors remove a kidney. (mine is still there!)
So I went in on Sunday night, and of course, there were no beds. They performed the basic admission tests and sent me home to sleep in my own bed. Monday morning, bright an early we arrived that the hospital and the biopsy began. Actually, its was not SO bad. It under full anesthetic, so I didn't feel a thing before or during the surgery. I was pretty wiped out for the next twelve hours, being awake for a few minutes at a time and then drifting back to sleep.
The person next to me in the hospital was very impressive. He had neobladder reconstructive surgery (you really don't want to go there) about a week ago and he still has at least two more weeks of hospital stay ahead of him. What was most impressive was his outlook. He was happy, chatty and positive about his future. I learned that he is a rabbi/teacher and based on hearing him, I think his classes are probably very good. I wish I had his name, other than Baruch. If anyone knows who he is, I would be grateful for the lead.
The hospital discharged me around 10am the next morning. I am walking like a little old man, because my side feels bruised. Its getting better every day and I expect that by Shabbat, I'll feel like my old self.
As far as the biopsy itself, there is nothing yet to tell. It will take 2-3 days to get results and then the doctors will need to discuss the results. I have an appointment at the end of next week. At a minimum, I will have some diagnosis. At best, some therapy. In any case, we will know more than we do right now.
It is important to maintain a positive and happy outlook. I'm in awe of RivkA, who keeps moving even through chemo and many other challenges.
Refuah Shelema (a complete recovery) to all
I'm going to have my own kidney biopsy next week and i'm kinda anxious about it. I'm in stage 2 CKD but i hope they find out what's wrong with my kidneys as early as possible. Thanks for your blog.