The news on the Kidney transplant front is mixed. The most wonderful donor hit a speed bump with one of the medical tests. We found out just before pesach that there was a minor concern. That turned into a last minute effort to find a specialist who could see the donor before Pesach. The doctor said that everything was OK, but that it was dependent on a clear test. Scheduling the test was harder. We could not find a technician and equipment until next week.
So for now, we wait. The donor's test in next week. Assuming it comes out clean, we can reschedule the transplant for sometime in the following three weeks.
My son is feeling well, but we are noticing a lack of appetite. He is also loosing weight. His clothes look a bit baggy.
If the transplant gets canceled, we will have to restart our donor search (there are a number of candidates in the wings), but more importantly, we will also very likely be starting dialysis. We hope to have better news next week!