We went to the beach today. Our favorite beach is in Caesaria, right below the ancient aquaduct. Its a beautiful beach, particularly before noon. We leave the house around 7am and have about four hours of peace and fun before it just gets too darn hot.
While I enjoy the beach, I don't like the sun. Its a bit of a problem. I'm learning in my old age how to manage. I wear my sunglasses and a big hat, drink lots of fluids and eat salty foods. When I get back, I take two tylenol to catch that nasty headache before it blossoms into a migraine. Today, we pretty good!
The weekend, we are hosting my niece from Cleveland along with one of her friends. They are both on different summer programs here in Israel. For dinner, they will be going with number 3 son to a Bnei Akiva dinner. To get our numbers back to normal, we invited a friend from Tel Aviv over for dinner. We always enjoy their company.
Lunch tomorrow will be a full house, with our guests plus another family from the yishuv. They have food issues, so some of my food is celiac friendly and I made sure to have lots of vegetables.
Dinner - 8
Onion soup
Thai Red Beef Curry
Naked Shnitzel
Green Salad
Lunch - 14
Meat Roll (Beef Wellington)
Roast Chicken
Green Salad
Israeli Salad
Spicy Coleslaw