And now we come to the end of Pesach. I am tired of eating protein. My normal menu is all starch with a little protein thrown in for consistency. Pesach is the opposite. We eat gebruchs, but I usually do not cook with starch additives, so my recipes are non-gebruchs and Atkin's friendly. Our guest list for this weekend is full once again. 5 of the 9 boys from the first days will be returning as will Miriam and Sarah. The major difference is that we are having two families over (one for dinner and one for lunch). The good news is that both families will be bringing over significant parts of the meals! Our counts will be around 20 for each meal, so we will need our full table and must plan the menus accordingly. Recall also that the boys are voracious eaters, so we will need to have at least three mains per mail. The really good news is that its only one day (two meals + seduat shlishit). Anyone who needs a second day will just have to make due with leftovers. Shabbat Pesa...
Hospitality and Food along with a little Jewish content. These are the records of our weekends with guests. Meals are rarely less than 10 people and frequently top 20. Recipes and Philosophy included.