We had a very nice shabbat. Our three guests, Elka, Sarah and Ariela were very nice. They participated in shabbat preparations and helped out the whole time they were with us. We even got them to play Killer Bunnies . They were real troopers, because while this game usually lasts about 45 minutes, our game lasted close to three hours. Kudos to their determination. Ariela almost won the game, holding 16 of the 20 carrots at the end, but Joey was the lucky recipient of the fated magic carrot and hence the winner. On Erev Yom Kippur, we prepare to receive judgement for the coming year. I had a very visceral experience with one of the more odious sins, Spreading a Bad Name. This malady is specifically when people spread true stories about a person that cause that person hurt or loss. I inadvertently told someone about a conversation that I had, and that led directly to this sin. I'm disappointed that this happened and will try to work harder in the coming year. One person su...
Hospitality and Food along with a little Jewish content. These are the records of our weekends with guests. Meals are rarely less than 10 people and frequently top 20. Recipes and Philosophy included.